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My walker has a smart phone holder so I can always open the club house door.  Don't know what I would do without my Magic E-Dot.  

I live next door to the developer.  I have had a Magic E-Dot for a year.  
I love it.  


I live in Valencia Cove.  I can never find my fob in my purse.  I always have my smart phone with the  magic E-Dot on the case.   Its so convenient.

We have had a test pair of magic E Dots for a year.  They are so convenient.  I seldom use my fob, my I-phone is always available.  

My car does not require a key. Don't have a key chain with a fob.  But I always have my smart phone with a Magic E-Dot on the back of the case.

My walker has a smart phone holder so I can always open the club house door.  Don't know what I would do without my Magic E-Dot.  

I invented the Magic E-Dot after I had to walk a quarter of a mile back to my car because I forgot my key chain and fob.  If you don't like it after you purchase it, I will refund you money.

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